
Our facility will be closed on Thursday, July 4th, and Friday, July 5th in observance of the Fourth of July holiday.
Our building will reopen to the public at 10am on Saturday, July 6th.

As always, our grounds and trails featuring self-guided tours are free and open daily from dawn until dusk.

Our facility is open on weekdays from 9am to 4pm and on weekends from 10am to 2pm.

As always, our grounds and trails featuring self-guided tours are free and open daily from dawn until dusk.

Monthly Giving

Show your support for environmental education and pave the way for a sustainable future by giving a monthly gift. Your automatic monthly gift can help provide the sustained resources needed to prepare today’s children to become tomorrow’s sustainable leaders.

Make a Donation

Monthly giving is the easiest and most efficient way to support the Aldo Leopold Nature Center.

  • You are in total control. You can easily start, change or stop your gift at any time.
  • You’ll receive less mail because we don’t need to send you reminders — which means more of your gift goes directly to support educational programs.
  • You’ll receive uninterrupted membership benefits, ensuring you never miss any benefits like reduced admissions to scheduled programs and paid events.

You can make your donation to ALNC in monthly installments via a credit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). EFT enables you to have a pre-determined amount transferred monthly from your checking account.

To set up your monthly gift, contact Kelley at 608-216-9373 or kelley@aldoleopoldnaturecenter.org.

Aldo Leopold Nature Center