Maple Syrup Fest
March 15 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Celebrate spring with Maple Syrup Fest—a family-style festival at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center!
Come one, come all to our unique and unforgettable celebration of the season! This family-friendly event offers a blend of indoor and outdoor activities found nowhere else in Dane County. Stations throughout ALNC grounds will lead visitors through the history and science of maple syruping. Visitors will learn how to tap trees for sap and can enjoy free samples of maple syrup and maple cream. Maple ice cream sundaes will also be available for purchase. It really is a sticky-sweet way to kick-off spring!
- Learn how maple syrup is made with hands-on activities
- Sample real tree sap, maple syrup, and maple cream
- Test your nature smarts with maple syrup trivia
- Visit the rustic Children’s Shack
- Hike the trails, looking for signs of spring
- Enjoy ice cream topped with maple syrup, for a fee
This event is FREE and open to the PUBLIC! Ice cream topped with maple syrup and Wonder Cookie food cart available for a fee.
FREE parking is available approximately two blocks away at Ahuska Park (400 E. Broadway) with a FREE shuttle (runs every 15-20 minutes).
Unfamiliar with Aldo Leopold Nature Center? Join us to learn what we are all about!
No registration required, walk-ins welcome.
With appreciation to our 2024 partners who make programs like this possible!
If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact Kelley Van Egeren at kelley@aldoleopoldnaturecenter.org.
Au Pair America • Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream • Maple Valley Cooperative