
We are currently updating our website, please be patient if some links are temporarily unavailable.

Our facility is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm, and from 10am to 2pm on weekends.

Visit us. Everyday, our trails are free and open from dawn until dusk.

Our facility will be closed on Friday, Mar 21st for an all-staff meeting.

Our building will reopen to the public at 10am on Saturday, Mar 22nd.

Everyday, our trails are free and open from dawn until dusk.

Planned Giving

Carry on the Leopold Legacy – and Yours – by making a Planned Gift

Make a difference in the future, while meeting your financial goals today. Our hands-on, environmental education programs engage, educate and empower children, their families and our community with a connection to the natural world. When you make a planned gift to ALNC, together, we can address two of the greatest and inextricably-linked challenges today: the health of our children and the health of our planet.

“Twenty-five years ago, the land where ALNC sits was threatened by development, and, together, with other committed community members, we fought and won to preserve it. Today, we want to ensure that the tens of thousands of kids and their families that visit every year can continue to discover the wonder of nature and learn to love and respect the land long after we are gone. We hope you’ll join us to ensure that all children have the opportunity to grow up healthy in a sustainable environment.”

– Peggy & Jon Traver, Leopold Legacy Society Members


Name the Aldo Leopold Nature Center in your estate plans and
Peggy & Jon Traver will donate $1,000 to ALNC’s Endowment Fund in your honor.*

*Please make your intentions known by contacting Jon Traver at (608) 222-9247 or jonrtraver@gmail.com or
by contacting Kelley Van Egeren at (608) 335-3155 or kelley@aldoleopoldnaturecenter.org




By making a planned gift to the Aldo Leopold Nature Center, you can ensure that our mission of engaging and educating current and future generations, empowering them to respect, protect and enjoy the natural world is carried on for generations. Like Aldo Leopold’s Legacy, through a planned gift, your legacy will live on for generations through children’s environmental education.

There are several ways that you can make a planned gift to the Aldo Leopold Nature Center (ALNC).

  • Make a bequest through your will or living trust
  • Name ALNC as a beneficiary of your existing IRAs, retirement plan, or life insurance policy
  • Give a life-income gift such as charitable or deferred gift annuities, or a charitable remainder trust
  • Give an outright gift such as cash, securities or real estate

We encourage you to discuss these giving options with your financial planner or estate planning attorney to find an option that is right for you.

If you have questions about the Aldo Leopold Nature Center and making a Planned Gift, please contact Kelley Van Egeren, Director of Development & Stewardship, at (608) 335-3155 or kelley@aldoleopoldnaturecenter.org.

Aldo Leopold Nature Center