
We are currently updating our website, please be patient if some links are temporarily unavailable.

Our facility is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm, and from 10am to 2pm on weekends.

Visit us. Everyday, our trails are free and open from dawn until dusk.

Our facility will be closed on Tuesday, Jan 21st due to the extreme cold.

Our building will reopen to the public at 9am on Wednesday, Jan 22nd, should conditions improve.

Everyday, our trails are free and open from dawn until dusk.

Adventurers (11-13 year olds)

Registered for summer camps and need aftercare?

Sign-up for AFTERCARE here. 

Space remains in some Adventurers sessions!

The sessions with space include Geology Rocks (June 10-14), Wonders of Water (June 24-28), and Summer on the Ice Age (July 15-19). Use the waitlist form to register for these camps.

Register for open camps or add your child’s name to the waitlist


Enrollment for the weighted lottery for full-day camps is closed.

Add your child name to the waitlist here

This summer, we’re offering day camps for Adventurers ages 11 to 13, which include one night overnight. For these camps, families must enroll via the lottery system.


Explore ALNC Nature Discovery & Adventure Summer Camps


Indicate your interest between Friday, January 17th and Sunday, January 26th in our full-day camps. Choose from the full summer or one of the two-week sessions. More details below.

Enroll in the Summer Camp Lottery Here 

We hold a weighted lottery for full-day camps. Families have from Friday, January 17th to Sunday, January 26th to indicate their interest in the full summer (June 16th – Aug 29th) or one of the 2-week sessions. The weighted lottery randomly selects registrants with additional entries given to students who have been historically underserved and underrepresented. Families not selected in the lottery will automatically be waitlisted. Once notified of selection, families will have the option to register for camps.


  • Full-Day, One Week Session
    • Session 1 (June 16-20): $450
    • Session 2 (June 30-July 3): $360
    • Session 3 (July 14-18): $450
  • Aftercare Option (3:30-5:30pm)
    • Available for a daily rate of $20/day


STEP 1: Choose which Adventurers camps work for your family.

  • Wonders of Water: June 16 – June 20
  • Adventure Your Way: June 30 – July 3 (no camp July 4)
  • Geology Rocks!: July 14 – July 18

STEP 2: Enroll in the lottery between January 17th and January 26th.
Enter your child’s information and indicate which session(s) work for your family. This does not guarantee your child a spot, but rather puts their name into our lottery system. Please note that this process is NOT first-come, first-serve, so there’s no need to refresh your browser at midnight! Families have 10 days, starting January 17th, to register their interest, after which names will be placed into a lottery and pulled to fill camp spots.

STEP 3: Wait for placement notification.
Registration closes on January 26th. ALNC will let you know by February 7th if your child’s name has been drawn for a camp session or has been placed on the waitlist. You’ll receive an email with either a registration offering or notification of waitlist placement. You may choose to accept or decline the spot for your child. If selected for a camp spot, a non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your spot in this session; please let us know if this amount is prohibitive for you and we can discuss an alternative amount.

STEP 4: Confirm your acceptance and complete registration.
Once you accept your placement and make your deposit payment, you will receive additional details and paperwork to complete your registration. You may make your final payment at once or by setting up a payment plan with us. Tuition assistance is available.


Have questions?

We accept Wisconsin Shares and tuition assistance is available for families in need. Our Wisconsin Shares FIS Provider ID is E276605. Please reach out to our Camps Coordinator via email or phone with any questions.

It is our goal to be inclusive and representative of our diverse community and to assist all families in enrolling, registering, and attending environmental education programs at ALNC. Families of ALL abilities, backgrounds, communities, income-levels, neighborhoods, and other societal structures are encouraged to enroll Summer Camps at ALNC.

In an effort to be inclusive of our diverse community of varied backgrounds, ALNC reserves the right to hold space for families in financial need and/or who speak English as a second language.


Remember, in addition to early Summer Camp registration, ALNC Members also receive 10% off all summer camps – visit the Member Page to join or renew!

Click for camps and capacity or to register

Please follow these instructions when registering.
Need to log back in to see your camps or fill out Medical Forms? Sign in Here.
ALNC Members: Use your discount code to receive a 10% discount. (Don’t have a code, check your email or send us a message at alnc@aldoleopoldnaturecenter.org)

2020 Pricing

Adventurers Camp pricing is specific to each week of camp. Please see our brochure for pricing.

  • Extended Day (AM): $8/child/day**
  • Extended Day (PM): $12/child/day**

**Extended Day runs from 8 to 9 am and 4 to 5:30 pm each day. You can drop off and pick up your child anytime within those windows. Activities include free choice of arts and crafts, reading, games and/or additional outdoor time.

Already registered for camp but need to add on Extended Day? Add Extended Day options here.

If you would like to be added to our email list and receive information on program registration as it becomes available, please click here.

Aldo Leopold Nature Center