Events Search and Views Navigation
August 2019
Bird and Nature Outing
Join us for new regularly scheduled (4th Saturday of every month) Bird and Nature Outings at Edna Taylor Conservation Park Area! This free, family-friendly nature hike requires no registration and is co-sponsored by Madison FUN Friends of Urban Nature partner groups Madison Parks, Madison Audubon and Aldo Leopold Nature Center.
Find out more »September 2019
Jordahl Public Lands Storytelling Workshop
Register today to attend a two-night Jordahl Public Lands workshop that will help participants to communicate the importance of our natural resources through storytelling. Led by Jen Rubin, a co-producer of Moth StorySlam, and James Edward Mills, a freelance journalist and independent media producer, this interactive workshop will explore dynamic storytelling elements.
Find out more »Bird and Nature Outing
Join us for new regularly scheduled (4th Saturday of every month) Bird and Nature Outings at Edna Taylor Conservation Park Area! This free, family-friendly nature hike requires no registration and is co-sponsored by Madison FUN Friends of Urban Nature partner groups Madison Parks, Madison Audubon and Aldo Leopold Nature Center.
Find out more »October 2019
Pipers in the Prairie & Festival Fire
Engage your senses and rejoice in the season as we celebrate harvest at Pipers in the Prairie, the Aldo Leopold Nature Center's spectacular fall fundraising gala!
Find out more »Project Learning Tree: Secondary Educator Workshop
Join us around the state to become trained in Project Learning Tree’s high school curriculum. PLT’s secondary materials provide engaging opportunities to connect older students to real-world environmental issues, and help students (and teachers!) practice critical thinking skills.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »November 2019
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »December 2019
Winter Solstice Celebration
Come celebrate the longest night of the year with a night time winter hike under the stars as we explore Solstice traditions spanning centuries around the globe.
Find out more »January 2020
Saturday Science: Aldo Leopold Day
Celebrate Wisconsin’s legendary naturalist and his legacy of environmentalism and conservation! Identify and investigate mammals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles and amphibians; read animal tracks and tree rings; make your own nature journal; build instruments to measure the wind and weather; and more!
Find out more »Natural Academic Success
Join us for an evening devoted to school-readiness and how nature-based preschools fit into the equation.
Find out more »February 2020
OPEN HOUSE: Aldo Leopold Nature Preschool
Join us for an open house to learn more about the daily schedule and developmental goals of Aldo Leopold Nature Preschool.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »March 2020
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, marsh and woodlands? Join us one Saturday a month, March through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty and have some fun!
Find out more »April 2020
CANCELED: Spring into Earth Day at DreamBank
Join us at DreamBank for a morning of fun and adventure as we celebrate the 50th birthday of Earth Day, a little early. Join us in assembling prairie seed packets and in making a spring craft. We’ll also discuss and see if we can identify a few telltale signs of Spring, such as frog calls and spring ephemerals!
Find out more »CANCELED: Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, marsh and woodlands? Join us one Saturday a month, March through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty and have some fun!
Find out more »CANCELED: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »May 2020
Canceled: Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, marsh and woodlands? Join us one Saturday a month, March through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty and have some fun!
Find out more »Canceled: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »June 2020
Canceled: Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, marsh and woodlands? Join us one Saturday a month, March through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty and have some fun!
Find out more »Canceled: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »July 2020
CANCELED: Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, marsh and woodlands? Join us one Saturday a month, March through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty and have some fun!
Find out more »CANCELED: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »August 2020
CANCELED: Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, marsh and woodlands? Join us one Saturday a month, March through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty and have some fun!
Find out more »CANCELED: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »September 2020
CANCELED: Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, marsh and woodlands? Join us one Saturday a month, March through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty and have some fun!
Find out more »CANCELED: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »October 2020
Virtual BioBlitz Field Trip
Take a virtual field trip to Aldo Leopold Nature Center and discover the different plant and animal species that call Southern Wisconsin their home in fall. From migratory birds to animals preparing for winter, we will identify as many different species as we can with the help of our Environmental Educators.
This experience is geared towards classrooms. Teachers must preregister to attend.
Find out more »CANCELED: Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, marsh and woodlands? Join us one Saturday a month, March through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty and have some fun!
Find out more »SELF-GUIDED: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »November 2020
SELF-GUIDED: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »January 2021
EveryBody Outside Photo Challenge
Get outside in nature and take the EveryBody Outside Photo Challenge for a chance to win a 2021 Aldo Leopold Foundation Phenology Calendar!
Find out more »LIMITED GROUP SIZE: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »February 2021
The Cozy Campaign – A Sleeping Bag Fundraiser for ALNP
Warm your heart as you warm up nap-time! Donate your new or gently-used sleeping bags to ALNP.
Find out more »LIMITED GROUP SIZE: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »March 2021
LIMITED GROUP SIZE: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »April 2021
MESBA Earth-Day Clean-Up
Join us to clean up Femrite Drive as part of MESBA's Earth Day Clean Up!
Find out more »LIMITED GROUP SIZE: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »May 2021
LIMITED GROUP SIZE: Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »June 2021
Take the Eighty Hours Outside Summer Challenge! Track the amount of time you spend engaged in the outdoor world... can you hit 80 hours by the end of summer?
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »July 2021
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »August 2021
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »September 2021
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »October 2021
Skins, Skulls & Scat
Join us at the Monona Public Library for an outdoor, hands-on experience as part of the Wisconsin Science Fest! We'll explore real skins and skulls, as well as rubber scat, to develop a greater understanding and appreciation for nature and Wisconsin wildlife.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »November 2021
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »December 2021
Learn to Listen for Owls
Join Aldo Leopold Nature Center Environmental Educator Melissa Kesling and Luna Collins with Madison Parks for a free, family-friendly guided hike to 'Listen for Owls'. Discover the owls that call Madison home - huge Great Horned Owls, medium-sized Barred Owls and tiny Screech Owls - and can be found throughout the city in parks and private yards.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »January 2022
Saturday Science: Engaging with Nature through Aldo Leopold’s Legacy
Join us for a virtual field trip in partnership with the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) and Morgridge Institute for Research as we celebrate the life and legacy of Aldo Leopold.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »February 2022
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »March 2022
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »April 2022
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »May 2022
Land Steward Work Day: Tree Planting Workshop with ECO Tree
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Monona Memorial Day Parade
Friends! Share your love of nature and ALNC and as we celebrate Memorial Day and honor all of the Veterans we have lost. Strut your stuff down Monona Drive while handling your favorite animal puppets and passing out seed packets to people you walk by.
Find out more »June 2022
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Senior Adventure – Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, senior-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »July 2022
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »August 2022
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Senior Adventure – Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, senior-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »September 2022
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Senior Adventure – Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, senior-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »October 2022
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April through October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Senior Adventure – Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, senior-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »November 2022
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »December 2022
Holiday Bazaar
Looking for unique, one-of-a-kind holiday gifts while supporting local artisans and a good cause? Visit the Aldo Leopold Nature Center’s Holiday Bazaar!
Find out more »CANCELLED – Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for a special New Year's Eve hike. This easy, family-friendly walk starts at the Children's Shack at Aldo Leopold Nature Center and leads into Edna Taylor Conservation Park. Enjoy community and a bit of nature education on the last day of the year.
Find out more »January 2023
Kindergarten Chat
Movin' on to Kindergarten? Join us for a coffee chat to talk about what to expect in your child's Kindergarten classroom.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »February 2023
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »March 2023
Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »April 2023
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April thru October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Senior – Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, senior-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Neighborhood Spring Cleaning
Join MESBA and the Aldo Leopold Nature Center for a neighborhood Spring Cleaning to celebrate Earth Day. Meet us at Woodland Park on Friday, April 21st at 1pm.
Find out more »Local to Global: Conversations of Our Healing Actions
On Earth Day, join Mundo Esperanza for a full day of conscious conversation on how members of our community are helping to heal the planet.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Outing
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »May 2023
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April thru October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Senior – Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, senior-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »June 2023
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April thru October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Shorts-raiser!
Donate your gently-used children’s clothing in support of children’s community-based environmental education. The items we need most are shorts (preferably athletic or jersey-knit, sizes 4T to 12-14) and socks. Underwear and t-shirts can also be used.
Find out more »Senior – Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, senior-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »July 2023
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April thru October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »Senior – Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, senior-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »Bird & Nature Adventures
Join a naturalist for an easy, family-friendly walk from Aldo Leopold Nature Center into the beautiful Edna Taylor Conservation Park and enjoy a bit of nature education along the way.
Find out more »August 2023
Land Steward Work Day
Interested in helping restore and maintain ALNC’s prairie, pond, and woodlands? Join us the second Saturday of the month, April thru October, to help control invasive species, seed with native plants, get dirty, and have some fun! Volunteer work days will focus mainly on land management and other projects as needed. Work days may be cancelled or planned activities modified due to inclement weather.
Find out more »