
Our facility will be closed on Wednesday, Jan 1st for New Year’s Day.
Our building will reopen to the public at 9am on Thursday, Jan 2nd.

As always, our grounds and trails featuring self-guided tours are free and open daily from dawn until dusk.

Our facility is open on weekdays from 9am to 4pm and on weekends from 10am to 2pm.

As always, our grounds and trails featuring self-guided tours are free and open daily from dawn until dusk.

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Events for October 23, 2015

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9:30 am

Wonder Bugs Preschool Program: Keep Away (Friday)

October 23, 2015 @ 9:30 am - 10:45 am
Aldo Leopold Nature Center | Monona Campus, 330 Femrite Drive
Monona, 53716 United States
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$9 – $10

Nature is a giant game of eat or be eaten. Discover the tricks that animals and plants use to avoid being a tasty treat.

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Aldo Leopold Nature Center