
Our facility will be closed on Thursday, Nov 28th, and Friday, Nov 29th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Our building will reopen to the public at 10am on Saturday, Nov 30th.

As always, our grounds and trails featuring self-guided tours are free and open daily from dawn until dusk.

Our facility is open on weekdays from 9am to 4pm and on weekends from 10am to 2pm.

As always, our grounds and trails featuring self-guided tours are free and open daily from dawn until dusk.

Service Learning Projects

Service Learning ProjectsWould you like to include a conservation service project as part of your group’s educational program? Students will learn the context of the larger environmental problem they are helping to solve through their conservation project at ALNC. We offer projects including trail building, trail maintenance, and invasive species eradication (pulling garlic mustard, cutting and hauling Black Locust, tug-a-suckle [honeysuckle removal], cutting seed heads of Reed Canary Grass, and more). contact the Facilities Manager to find out what service projects are available during your visit at 608/216-9387 or email jbruecken@naturenet.com

Aldo Leopold Nature Center