
Our facility will be closed on Tuesday, Jan 21st due to the extreme cold.

Our building will reopen to the public at 9am on Wednesday, Jan 22nd, should conditions improve.

As always, our grounds and trails featuring self-guided tours are free and open daily from dawn until dusk.

Our facility is open on weekdays from 9am to 4pm and on weekends from 10am to 2pm.

As always, our grounds and trails featuring self-guided tours are free and open daily from dawn until dusk.

Light Up the Future

Support Children’s Environmental Education


Due to COVID-19, we have had to cancel our biggest fundraiser of the year, Pipers in the Prairie, supporting children’s environmental education at ALNC.

From better physical and mental health to improved academic performances and relationships with oneself and others, the benefits of a connection to the natural world are numerous. And this year, more than ever, connecting to nature is important for children and adults alike as it has been proven to alleviate stress, reduce anxiety and ease depression. Plus, it’s a great way to relieve pent up energy.

In lieu of lighting up the night sky, we invite you to shine a light on the future by supporting Aldo Leopold Nature Center and children’s environmental education. In a year when we’ve adapted our programming and limited programs – and we are grateful to have been able to do so – your gift ensures we are able to continue providing valuable programs that engage, educate and empower today’s children, their families and our community for a healthy and more sustainable tomorrow. 


All proceeds benefit children’s environmental education programming at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center.

This year, we’ll miss celebrating the harvest and welcoming fall, with the ethereal melodies of the bagpipes and the excitement of the bonfire that truly does light up the night sky. We look forward to next year and hope that we can once again gather for this truly unique and remarkable event. 





We are grateful for the generosity of our long-time Event Partners who continue to support our mission of engaging and educating current and future generations, empowering them to protect, respect and enjoy the natural world.

2020 Event Partners



2020 Media Partners







If you are interested in Event Partnership and learning more about how you or your organization can light up the our children’s future through environmental education, please contact Kelley Van Egeren at kelley@aldoleopoldnaturecenter.org or via phone at (608) 216-9373.

Aldo Leopold Nature Center